Welcome to Klicksoft Solutions SMS Services
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Welcome to Our Support Center

Klicksoft Solutions offers your business complete end-to-end SMS solutions for developing and deploying real-time SMS notification and data access applications that dramatically reduce time-to-decision and improves service value to customers.

This portion of our site has been developed to get you the answers you need instantly and with ease. If you need help getting started, or encounter a problem, your first step should be to read through our easy to understand FAQs. If after checking out our online help, you cannot find a solution, feel free to contact our support department.

Our extensive FAQs cover 95% of our customer's questions with simple to follow detailed solutions. We invite you to look around. Chances are you will find the answers to your questions in no time. You will not only be able to solve your problem faster, but will also educate yourself about our services in more detail.

If you are in need of technical support beyond the FAQ's you can contact our support team at info@klicksoftsolutions.com.


1.  What is SMS?

2.  What are the Advantages of Your SMS Service?

3.  I forgot my password. How do I retrieve it?

4.  How do I manage my Contacts?

5.  How do I view my Sent Message?

6.  How do I Change my Password?


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Developed By: Klicksoft Solutions. © 2008